The money needs to be better managed. A certain amount of money is provided, and it needs to be managed properly. I will explain. The hundreds of people who are brought together in Moncton to talk about volunteer efforts and sustainability have their accommodations and food covered for two days. That costs money. Once the meeting is over, everyone goes back home. We have done our work. We have been able to express our differences, but what good is that? I have no idea how much that kind of meeting costs, but I am sure that it could have met the needs of several harbour authorities.
The challenge for the harbour authorities is to manage their money better. The fishermen and the volunteers all contribute. But someone will have to help us a little more. I am talking here about the small craft harbour authorities.
Jacques LeBreton, who is here with me, spends countless hours and days each week doing volunteer work. And then there is the two-day meeting in Moncton, with all expenses paid, to discuss things.