Bill, I'd say for the Newfoundland region—and I'm talking about the Newfoundland region—we have excellent cooperation with the small craft harbours program. In our district it's not the problem.
The problem is that in our area we have 225 harbours, with 205 harbour authorities operating 225 harbours. The problem is not with the small craft harbours program. We don't have a problem with them; I must say that. They do it as fairly as they can, under the circumstances, with what they have to do it with.
I heard Fabian say last week that he needed $40 million in his area—on the Connaigre Peninsula they need $40 million just for aquaculture—and we get $27 million approximately.
So, no, we don't have a problem with the small craft harbours program; the problem is we just don't have the money to do the work.