Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Welcome to our witnesses.
I'd just like to make an opening comment on the loss of the sealers in the gulf. I know that's been a difficult issue, certainly for the families first of all, but for the coast guard and DFO as well. I'd like to say on the record that from what I can see from what you've done so far to have an internal investigation led by an independent person, a full investigation by Transportation Safety Board, and another investigation by the RCMP, so three investigations ongoing, is the right thing to do. It's important for clarity. It's important for transparency. Most of all, it's important for the families who lost loved ones in that accident. The results will be made public.
However, all that being said, I have heard some discussion that there may be some review with coast guard of how we tow vessels. There's some discussion that there may be the possibility that the skippers and the crew members of vessels will not be allowed to be on the vessels when they're under tow, and that I think is an issue that would require careful review. I'd like to think there would be a very careful review before any captain or skipper of a vessel is ordered off that vessel, because they are in command of the vessel.