Thank you for the question.
The listing of species under the Species at Risk Act is in fact a fairly extensive process where we do have a number of opportunities--when there is an interest or an intent established by COSEWIC--for us, for DFO, and for our scientists to be able to provide additional information when we are uncertain as to whether or not the listing should be done, and if so, under which of the headings. We have very extensive and fairly lengthy processes before we actually get to the point of making a recommendation for a listing.
In this particular instance, we have taken note of the issues around the trawl survey. We have also indicated--as for all species--that there is a certain amount of additional analysis yet to be made. The other element that we also consider is a socio-economic analysis before a species is listed. If there are commercial interests, that also gets factored in before any decision is made.
So we have taken note of what COSEWIC has put forward, but there is a fairly extensive and lengthy review that is under way at this point.