Thank you again for your question. Without committing to do an in-depth study of the two questions that you and other members of the committee have raised, I will say that we have started to consider the impact of climate change. However, that impact cannot easily be translated into numbers. It isn't necessarily easy to anticipate what the effects will be.
Regarding fleets, further to a series of announcements by the minister in April 2007, the department began looking at fisheries management reform and how this impacts the size of the fleets. Because we are now starting to see the effects of reform, I think we will still need more time to come up with some figures, as they relate to climate change as well as fleet size.
If someone were to ask me if, within the next year, we will have done an-depth study and come up with a figure, I would have to admit that we won't have a clear idea of the financial impact. However, we could start to observe some trends.