Again, if we look at slide 6 of the presentation, there's an item there on the 2007 cost efficiencies. That relates, as I said in passing, to “The Way Forward”, the Public Works and Government Services Canada procurement reform. These savings have been booked right across government. This is the portion that's been allocated to DFO.
Of course, we're never happy to see money come out of our reference levels. To be fair, some of this will be achieved through some of the savings in the procurement process--not likely all, in our view; there will be some residual impact on program delivery, if you will, but it's spread out across the full department. The approach we took was basically to apply a tax based on budgets across the department.
The other one I would highlight is “Expenditure Reduction Committee--Departmental Savings”. The ERC process took money out of our reference levels over a period of time. This one relates to some reductions that were achieved through coast guard initiatives. I think that's probably close to the end of the savings we're going to see come out of our reference levels with respect to the ERC initiative.