That is certainly a concern to government and to all of us as individuals. The Department of the Environment is working in concert with other departments, like DND, NRCan, and ourselves, if there is leaching into rivers, to set priorities for the sites that are causing or have the potential to cause severe damage. They are identified. A lot of work has been done to try to clean up contaminated sites.
We as Canadians made a terrible mess over the years. Everything was just discarded. It didn't matter whether it was oil drums or old machinery. We did it ourselves. What did you do with the old cans, and so on, from home? Most people threw them out on the beach and the water took them away. Nobody knew we were doing irreparable damage.
Priorities will be set. We will work with other departments and move on the ones that we think are causing it, and then try to work down the line to get them all done. It's a challenge.