Thank you very much. I don't know if “kick us off” is a good word this morning, if one of our colleagues is injured. Last year Mr. Simms was injured at soccer, so I think we should cancel the members' soccer game. It's interfering with committee work.
I just have a couple of quick questions, Mr. Chairman.
On the small craft harbours issue, I think a week or so ago, in answer to a question from one of my colleagues, Ms. Dansereau indicated that the small craft harbours recommendation list, I understood her to say, had gone to the minister. And then on Tuesday the minister appeared and indicated, or at least I felt that he indicated, that he had not yet received it. So could we have some clarification? I know I am getting calls now, as I'm sure other members of the committee are, from harbour authorities who are wondering when there may be some announcement about small craft harbours funding for reasons we quite regularly allude to--the short season and so on in our province for doing work needing to be done.
Could someone clarify where it is? Is it at the minister's office, or hasn't it reached there yet?