Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'd just like to thank everybody for coming to testify before the committee here today. I'm certainly finding the presentations very interesting.
One thing that was brought up—I believe it was by Mr. Desrape—that I thought was very interesting, and I don't think I've heard that perspective before at this committee, dealt with the number of wharves or harbours for fishermen to come in and the effect that the fisheries policy had on that. You mentioned a competitive fishery. As the fleet of fishing boats moves around, it puts pressures on various wharves because of the nature of the competitive fishery.
Could you expand on the effect that policy has and do you have an opinion about maybe a quota-type system that is not so time-based, or whatever the case might be, to help illuminate for me, as a member of this committee, what might actually take some of the burden off the small craft harbours based on a fisheries management policy?