Our harbour users that call North Lake home pay an annual fee, their annual berthage fee, and they also pay for any land they may have leased the building on, or whatever. Our other main source of revenue is through what we call transient fees. Those boats from Nova Scotia, Quebec, and New Brunswick that come and spend the night at our harbour, or in some cases months and weeks, pay a per-night or per-week or per-month fee that goes back into our coffers. That helps to offset some of the cost of having them there. It's nice to have them there—yes, they pay you a few dollars—but they're also using your electricity, your water, which we're paying for. Small crafts is not. We are one of the bigger harbours in P.E.I. and we do have a fairly heavy transient population so we do generate a little more income.
The problem with small crafts and the way the money is dished out is that what might be considered minor maintenance to me because I'm a bigger harbour would be major maintenance to someone who only has 19 vessels.