With regard to the funds for the small craft harbours, as I think my colleague indicated earlier, we are working on a business case. We do recognize, as I think has been stated many times before this committee, that there is a gap, and an increasing one. We are working with our colleagues from the Treasury Board Secretariat on the business case that would encourage an increase in the funding.
With regard to the invasive species, we have in fact met with our colleagues from Prince Edward Island, as well with ACOA, the economic development agency, to see what in fact could be provided in terms of direct technical support for the aquaculture enterprises.
In terms of the invasive species per se, in terms of the science work that we have done, there are some techniques that can be used in order to, I would say, contain, but it's not something that we can eradicate. So the techniques have to be used on a recurring basis in order to remove this rather ugly invasive species from the mussel.