A number of things came about at the same time. First, I became the deputy; second, the economy has been suffering a bit; and third, it's year-end. So all of those things fit well together to afford me the opportunity to ask where we're putting our energies. I think every department and every deputy before me would have looked at the overall travel plans and the priorities to make sure the money was well spent.
If we look at the percentage of our overall budget that goes to international travel, $2 million on a $1.6 billion budget is not very big. Considering the files that we have to work with and the real danger to Canadian industry and to the Canadian economy of us not being there, I think that's a pretty good track record set by my predecessors. So I would review it, but I suspect there wouldn't be a lot I would change. I think our policies are sound. We are governed by Treasury Board policy and we think our value for money is sound. But as in all cases, it's worth another review and I will be doing that.