As I see it, if we decided to merge, it is not because things were going well. In the Magdalen Islands, there were previously five plants. Now, there are four, including two main plants. Another plant will be closing this year. It may operate processing shellfish. There will be two main plants operating—one specializing in crab, and the other, in lobster.
This consolidation occurred because there were problems associated with the fishery and the resource was declining. There is no doubt that, if the fishers could operate their boats for seven or eight months of the year catching other species, the crisis would not be having the same effect. For us, it's exactly the same. I said earlier that the cost of insurance is astronomical. The same applies to oil and electricity. If we could operate these plants 12 months a year, by processing other species, it would certainly bring down our fixed costs, which are terribly high. If we rationalize our activities, I think we will be able to remain in production a little longer.