It does not apply anywhere. In certain regions, they may even have one trap per buoy. Those measures apply only to this fishing area, LFA 22.
I would like to emphasize one point. Mr. Poirier has mentioned it twice, but it is important. In other areas, notably in the Gaspe Peninsula, there are a lot of mini fishing areas. There are risks associated with that. If one area wants to do something and the other one does not, that has consequences for the other fishers, because it is the same lobster. That is why it is difficult to come to an agreement.
Here in LFA 22, we are privileged. Around the island, the species is sedentary. Again, we are 325 fishers to have the privilege of harvesting the resource. Some people call that a licence, but in reality, it is a privilege that the Canadian government grants to fishers. However, that privilege comes with the responsibility to conserve the resource and keep it healthy for future fishers. Indeed, that is a principle we have always defended, and the associations have educated the fishers in that regard. A nice big word was invented to describe it: sustainability. I can assure you that my father and grandfather knew full well that there had to be some lobster left in the water if I was going to fish one day. That principle is very deeply entrenched not only in my beliefs and my way of life, but in those of a generation, of another time. We have placed considerable importance on these measures.
It is not always easy, but all the fishers in the small villages, in the different regions, speak the same language and can talk to one another. If you want to fish and want your children to be able to fish one day, you have to be careful and protect the resource. That is very much the mentality here in the Islands.