I can tell you something. I've been fishing--as young as I may look--for probably 33 years, believe it or not, and at the end of the day I've never seen a year.... I've had a few years where I've put a few dollars into RRSPs and before the next year was up the tax man was tapping me on the fingers; I told him it was either that or I'd have to borrow more money. Most of the time when I put money into RRSPs, I borrowed the money to put it in there. I didn't find that worked all that well either.
I don't know. I'm not knocking people in western Canada or in central Canada, but I want to tell you something. On Prince Edward Island, the recession doesn't really bother us a lot right now, other than the price of lobsters. We've been in a recession here all our life. That's just the way we live here and that's what we're used to. I don't think we have a lot of money here. Any fisherman I know or talk to.... There are certain fisheries that are fairly lucrative, but for anybody who is fishing like me over the years--lobster, tuna, herring, mackerel, and a few things like that--there has been no money to put into stabilization. At the end of the day, when we file for EI, we need the cheque that comes out every two weeks. If we didn't have it, we'd be in bad shape. So I don't really think that type of stabilization program would work for us.