Sir, in P.E.I., for the most part, I think, the resource is abundantly stable. The province has its own lobster biologist working strictly with the P.E.I. lobster stocks. His research has been going on now for close to a dozen years.
Last year, in 2008, the landings in LFA 24, which is our north shore, were 65% above the 40-year average.
In the eastern part of the Northumberland Strait, in area 26A, they were up some 15% over the 40-year average.
In the western part of the Northumberland Strait, in LFA 25, they were up 8% over the 40-year average.
The one area where we do have serious trouble is in the central part of the Northumberland Strait, basically running from an area from Point Prim down to Summerside. Most fishermen believe that's affected by the construction of the Confederation Bridge; siltation occurred as a result of it. That area is down 40% from the 40-year average. There are very few fishermen left in that area.