I think, Mr. Kamp, if you look at LFA 25, for example, in the western part of the Northumberland Strait, with the fishermen from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia there are probably over 850 fleets at work in that fall season. The LFA 26A in the eastern portion of the strait, with Nova Scotia and P.E.I. combined, has easily over 800 fleets fishing that season.
What's happened as well is that in the central portion of the strait--and we're convinced this is from the effects of the construction of the Confederation Bridge, plus industrial pollution and municipal pollution--the stocks, as we mentioned earlier, are down seriously. That resulted in fleets or fishermen moving to both ends of P.E.I., within their own zone, which added more pressure and more fishermen fishing a limited amount in each area.
Consequently, the low tide brought everybody down.