In area 24, the 10-point plan we drew up for DFO, which was requested, comes into effect in 2011. That's when it starts, and it's over an eight-year period. The fishermen have agreed to reduce by 24 traps per fleet. We've agreed to put a hoop size on that's no larger than six inches. We've agreed to eliminate two days from the end of the season. We've agreed to throw all male lobsters from 81 millimetres and above over on the last day of fishing so that we leave a broader range of males for breeding purposes. What else is there? We've increased the size of our escape mechanisms that are presently on our traps.
When you break it down, by eliminating 24 traps per fleet, it eliminates the use of 774,000 pounds of herring and mackerel that could be left swimming in the water, estimating one pound per trap per day. We have a fuel saving of 400-and-some litres of fuel per vessel, and we eliminate 281 miles of rope from the water, which makes the sea, I guess, a little more friendly for mammals and turtles and whales and wild seals. I guess that goes with it too.
You can read our 10-point plan, Peter. I imagine you can access it from DFO. It's area 24.