Each LFA would have to come up with its own criteria, because each fishing area is different. Right now in area 24, a licence is more expensive than it is in area 25 or 26A. Each LFA has an advisory committee set up with fishermen from all the ports. To come up with a rationalization program, these fishermen would have to come together and set the criteria.
In a perfect world, we'd love for the federal government to pay for it all. It's not going to happen in reality. Are we prepared as an industry to help? I suspect we are, but we'll only know that when we get farther into the process. We are now working with the federal and provincial governments on a rationalization program. We don't know what the funding is going to be. We'll know that probably in another month or two's time, but we are committed as an association toward rationalization. In area 24, we've already drawn up what's called in the industry a 10-point plan to reduce effort. We have agreed to eliminate 24 licences per fleet over the next 10 years, which is eliminating 51 licences out of area 24. It's self-rationalization. Our 10-point plan could be made available to you if the committee would like to have it. We've committed to reducing our fleets by 51, out of 635. We'd like for the federal and provincial governments to match them.