I will also be presenting a motion. You can present a bill or a motion, but whatever you present in the House of Commons, it is up to the government of the day, whoever it might be.... You can have success with all governments and trouble with all governments. I have had experience both ways.
The motion I will be putting before the House next month will be to put a retirement package in place so that fishermen can leave the industry, and with that, the licence would be retired, never to be issued again, that type of thing. It's not something where you can go back to a politician and get the licence.
I'd just like you to elaborate a bit on how important that would be to the fishing industry in certain areas here--in certain areas, and I'm well aware of them myself, but just to get it on the record. This is so much needed. Do we want to let them just keep fishing until they either go broke or deplete the stocks--one or the other?