In 2008 financing was not readily available, but there was some financing available. The banks in Canada have taken the attitude that they don't want anything to do with the seafood industry, and, therefore they have driven some of the larger companies overseas, into the Icelandic banks, and have caused some of the problems we're seeing in Iceland and some of the problems facing some of the larger companies that are financed through Iceland.
I don't know why the Canadian banks don't want to do any business with the seafood industry. I guess they must have been burned at one point or another. Personally, I've tried to get financing from as many as seven or eight different financial institutions and have been turned down for financing just because I'm in the seafood business. I was banking with the Royal Bank, and they told me, “Listen, we're not interested in the fish portfolio anymore. Please leave.” So we had to leave the Royal Bank. Many of our members are experiencing the same problems. Some of them are lucky enough to be dealing with credit unions, which have a little different idea and outlook on the problem because they're local. But financing is a problem.