With regard to lobster, presently there's fishing going on in Southwest Nova. I believe the shore price this week is $6.50 or $6.75, but it's limited fishing, and there are very few fishermen fishing. In Southwest Nova, they usually return to the fishery after the weather warms up, and they put their traps back in the water. So as the fishermen down there are landing more lobsters, there's going to be more of a supply, and I think the price will decline.
How much they're going to catch will depend on how low the price will go. I'm not in the lobster business presently, but the people I talk to tell me that there's not a lot of demand for live lobsters. There is some movement. I talked to one fellow the other day who told me there were boats coming ashore but no buyers. Even though the price was $7 a pound, or $6.75, they weren't able to sell their catch when they came ashore.
I don't know what's going to happen when Quebec opens up, all of the gulf opens up, Newfoundland opens up, and in the Magdalens there's fishing, with everybody landing a lot of fish. What's going to happen? I can't see a big price. Customers aren't buying and they're not giving us orders for the new season.