In the short term, we need to develop some markets that will handle lobster and move inventory. We need to get the industry back and moving as much as we can. I know we're not going to be able to sell all of the product that comes ashore within the next two months. There's going to be heavy fishing. Southwest Nova still fishes until the end of May. Cape Breton will be going until the end of July. A lot of lobsters are going to come ashore. Where will they go, and who's going to eat them?
We need some promotion, and there's no doubt that we need it, but the long term hasn't been looked at within this industry. Everything's been good. Everybody's been selling product. Everybody's been doing his or her own thing and hasn't had the money to spend on research and development. If we go to our province here in P.E.I., they don't even want to talk to us. They're handcuffed. They can't do anything. If they wanted to, they couldn't do it, but this needs to be done.
Research needs to be done. It not only benefits the processor, but it benefits the fishermen. It creates a higher value for what's being produced and it returns more money to the fishermen. But if we remain stagnant, as we are now, with no new products, it's going to be the same thing over and over again.