I have just one brief comment. I think Lawrence has brought up a very appropriate topic.
If you look at the various programs that the fishermen are considering for buybacks and lobster buybacks, I'd like you to take particular notice, if you would, that as far as I can recall, with none of the programs are we asking, “Give it to me free. I don't want to pay anything. I don't want to be part of it; just load my basket up with money.” Nobody is saying that.
The Southern Kings and Queens and the other organizations working under the PEIFA are saying we will put something forward. In the Southern Kings and Queens, what they have offered to do is to give up 50 traps. That is close to 20% of their fishing capability. That would equal 65 licences, and they're asking for matching funds from the federal government.
So in actual fact, the fishermen, in essence, are paying for half the program and they're asking the federal government to pay for the other half. I think that's an important change from buybacks that we had in the past, when governments footed the whole bill.