I should bring you up to speed here a little so that you'll understand. We're in the process of writing that as we speak. It's in my notes, but I skipped it. We're in the process of writing what is known as a conservation harvesting plan for the department.
There are going to be tools we will use in the event of a decline in our industry, in our landings. We're now close to a 100-year high. We're not quite there, but we're within a very small, minute, little speck of being at a 100-year high. In the event that there is a decline, we're looking at measures that will come into being to put more lobsters into the water to reproduce.
We voluntarily introduced v-notching quite a few years ago. At that time, it was deemed by the minister that there would be a minimum size increase. The fishermen were not supportive. They reacted by saying they would not v-notch. A large number of fishermen still v-notch, but they don't talk about it. We know that because we see a lot of v-notched lobsters in our catch. It's evident. It's a tool we use.