I'm not saying there are too many buyers. I agree with them in a sense, if it's a guy who comes in with a truck today and then he's gone and you don't see him anymore. But where we live, most of our buyers are there year after year after year, and we don't think that. The competition is healthy and we feel it's something that needs to happen. We don't want to concentrate this into one hand.
Years ago, before my time, our fishery was owned by the fish buyers or the fish plants. It was a totally owned fishery on that shore. They've gotten away from that and they're all independent. So they don't all sell to the same buyer, but they distribute it out, so they keep these guys coming back so they have competition.
But in saying that, I think there's also a little bit of loyalty to some of these people, too, and loyalty to the community, because they want to keep that money there. They don't want it moved someplace else; they're trying to keep it within the community and keep it circulating there.