Now, Norma, we heard in the Gaspé about the efforts of the individual fishermen and organizations in their conservation efforts and reducing the number of traps per boat, etc. We've also heard on P.E.I. quite clearly that a buyback option was something they would look into. Yet Mr. Spinney was clear that in LFA 34, a buyback is not on the table—at least it's not being discussed.
I'd like to know what your organization—and Guysborough, if you could speak for them, if you're aware of their concerns—thinks of a rationalization of the industry in terms of where we would reduce the effort on the water.
Also, is the 15% mortality rate that Mr. MacDonald indicated a fairly accurate figure, because we've heard Mr. Hines say they treat the lobsters like eggs on the boat? I haven't heard that expression either. Any time you handle literally thousands and thousands of lobsters, there is going to be some damage to some. I just want to know if that 15%, in your experience, is an accurate figure.