Well, as far as dockside monitoring, the logistics of making that happen would be a struggle. I don't see the necessity for it. The fear, from a fisherman's perspective, is that dockside monitoring is inevitably the precursor to quota systems, and I think Ashton's opinion and mine is that we don't really need to go there.
As for quality out of the boat, for the most part, these boats are landing lobsters on a daily basis. The lobsters are out of the water, we'll say, for a maximum of 12 hours. Quality is not an issue coming out of the boat. The lobsters are handled appropriately. Some of the newer vessels in the fleet, such as ours, are fishing offshore. We have live wells in our boats, so the lobsters are kept in water. If we're staying overnight--maybe we're out for 48 hours or something like that--the lobsters are kept in water from the time they come aboard the boat until they're taken out at the dock. So as far as quality issues in the boat, I don't see any quality issues. Lobsters are handled in most people's boats as eggs are handled.