I think somebody from DFO at a meeting yesterday pointed out that about 50% of the lobster that's landed in LFA 34 is landed in the first 15 days in the season, so there is a big concentration. You have to remember that once the water gets cold in January, lobsters don't trap very well. The fishermen have to have a price that will enable them to fish in deep water where they can find pockets of warmer water where the lobsters will crawl. Certainly a $3.25 price doesn't do that. It doesn't even cover for a lot of fishermen the costs they had in December.
Believe me, I'm not here today to say that this is going to be the price this spring. We really hope that with supply and demand we can work it so the fishermen can survive this period, and that we can survive it. So spreading it out, yes, we're constrained by the length of our seasons, and the length of the seasons are there for good reason. We try not to fish when the lobsters are moulting.
Sure, I think there are some things that can be done. I've always wondered myself if we couldn't reorient some of that December lobster, catch it later and spend more time promoting and working on summer sales when people are vacationing all over North America. If we had good promotional campaigns and worked more on that market, and also the European market, maybe we could reorient things a bit.