You have to understand the way this industry works. In Nova Scotia, we don't process much lobster, or hardly any, so we buy it primarily from the live market. Because we have too much for our market, we're selling to the processors as well. So it's in their interest, I guess, to get the product as cheaply as they can. They don't really level with us, I guess, as to what the situation is. We can guess.
I think that's one of the things that has to improve in the industry, as there's too much of this unknown stuff. We need to be working together better, and also with the harvesters. We're faced with two gluts of lobsters that come in very quickly in December and May. Somehow we have to spread that out over the year, whether it's processed product or live product, because restaurant chains and retail groceries don't want product today, but then for the next eight months they can't get anything.
So handling the inventory involves a great deal of financial risk, as well, for everybody doing it.