If it's done by the buyers, the promotion, there's still a lack of trust among the fishermen themselves around what the buyers are getting for their product, the shipping cost. Are they really telling us the truth?
This agency would be working on behalf of every licence holder in district 34, and district 33 as well.
I think we'd have a lot more trust among the fishermen coming from this so-called office, body, agency, than from having a buyer promote the product. If MSC is coming down, who is supposed to pay for or cover that? We would like to be involved. Traceability going to Europe is coming down the road in January 2010. Who's going to pay for that? If it's a buyer, do we trust what he's telling us?
This agency would be the voice of the fishermen, sending out newsletters every month or every second month to the industry on what's really going on. I think it's the trust that needs to be there.