Let me try to understand a little more of what you are proposing. The document actually doesn't just refer to lobster, but refers to snow crab as well. Are you thinking it would apply to all Atlantic fisheries somehow, or just to lobster and snow crab? Is it only inshore fleets that you have in mind? I guess that's one question.
And what are the mechanics that you would see? Is it the elimination of entire fleets? You talked about one-third. So is it more of one than another? If I were a fisherman who was still there and didn't get rationalized—however that's going to happen, perhaps through some sort of buyout, I assume, where I would not leave unless I were bought out by somebody—how would my situation be any different if I still had 300 traps? Should I assume I'm going to make more income because there are fewer people, or do I get more traps? How do I improve my economic situation, as well as meeting the goal of greater sustainability of the resource?