There are four aspects to the program. The first is in the supplementary estimates under Aquaculture Innovation and Market Access Program. So its purpose is to support the development of the industry and new production techniques, to test measures designed to increase capacity or reduce costs, in some cases.
The second aspect, which is quite important for most producers, seeks to reduce the duplication and overlap in federal and provincial regulations. Regulations are not always compatible. This is to harmonize the regulations, in a way.
The third aspect deals with regulatory science. We need a scientific basis from which to help the sector to observe the regulations imposed by all levels of government. We have already had some programs and initiatives, but this is in order to strengthen our capacity.
The final aspect deals with the certification and traceability of products. It will be announced in a year and has not been launched yet.
So in summary, the four aspects are innovation, regulation, regulatory science and product traceability.