We completed the operational sustainability review of the centre, and we submitted a renewal proposal in June of 2008. We presented a cost-yeared approach that involved provincial, federal, academic, and institutional support. In February of this year we received a $400,000 commitment from the four provincial Atlantic Canadian governments. That joint letter was sent to the three federal ministers on February 17. We've been endorsed as an organization by the Atlantic premiers as well. We have 70 to 80 letters of support on file from industy and the academic community, and we have even had recent letters of support from Conservative, Liberal, and NDP members of Parliament. Unfortunately, the provincial support we've been given is subject to federal commitments from ACOA and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Unfortunately, as an organization we received a letter of rejection from ACOA on March 3 of this year, and we received a second letter of rejection on April 2 of this year.
I would make one final point, Mr. Chairman. As many of you have dealt with the fishing industry quite a bit over the last number of years, I'd ask the group here where else you would find an issue for which you have unanimous support amongst harvesters, processors, the aquaculture industry, provincial government officials, industry experts, and so on related to one issue. That issue is the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation. I don't think you'll find it anywhere else given the widespread acrimony that exists in this industry. I think it's a testament to the need for the continuation of this centre.
Thank you very much.