Yes, Mr. Chair.
The chairman of our committee has taken the liberty to go into a public forum to express his dissatisfaction with members of this committee, in particular Liberal members from Newfoundland and Labrador, and our perceived lack of support for the seal hunt. He did so through the issuance of a statement. He was on the Fisherman's Broadcast on Tuesday of this past week, identified as the chairman of this Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, and was interviewed as such. He indicated that he was extremely dissatisfied that Liberal members from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador did not stand up in support of the seal hunt satisfactorily, despite the fact that, of course, this committee has produced several unanimous reports on this issue and has engaged in intensive study.
That being the opinion of our chair, that he feels it is important for this position to be re-announced, I would like to present to the committee a motion pursuant to Standing Order 108(2):
The Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans acknowledges that the Committee fully endorses the harp seal hunt, that it approves of current regulated killing methods, approves that the harvesting of harp seals of the age cohort known as “beaters” and older is fully acceptable, and that the Canadian harp seal hunt is humane, responsible and sustainable and should continue for generations to come; and
That information of the Committee's position along with the results of the recorded vote be made immediately available to the general public through media advisories prepared by the Clerk and distributed throughout Canada, and that this resolution be reported back to the House as well.