Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I always thought that government would like to have peace on the water, if at all possible, regardless of the government. And any time Clearwater and Ashton Spinney can sing out of the same hymn book, that's a good day. You have a big corporate organization that's integrated and then you've got Ashton Spinney, and anyone who knows Ashton--if Greg Kerr was here, he'd be able to highlight a bit more--knows they don't see eye to eye on very much, but in this particular regard it appears that they do.
So instead of making it an expenditure, I think it would be a wise investment. If you can get those groups talking together, working together--let's face it, for the betterment of all of them, because you have to protect the resource, you have to protect the environment, you've got to improve markets and you've got to coordinate all of those efforts, and if your organization is willing to do it, I think that would be a good thing.
My question to you is, when is the drop dead day? When do you have to know for sure if funding is going to be rethought or they're going to say no, that's it, you're done?