Sir, a couple of years ago a report was done by the four lending agencies--the Western Diversification Fund, FedNor, the Quebec fund, and ACOA. It showed that ACOA had a worse return on their money than the other three. In terms of money that went out and money that came back in, ACOA had the worst returns. Yet here we have an organization that is widely supported. It states very clearly that for one dollar given, they could get up to five dollars back on leverage.
I'm just looking at this objectively. This seems to be a success story, something that ACOA should be very proud about. There is just something here that either you're not able to say or you may not comprehend. I simply don't understand why a successful agency of this nature, ACOA, which is supported through the academic level, the political level, and the industry level, wouldn't want to grab that and run with it.