From my point of view, as a general statement I think the way we market fish--certainly in our province, and I believe it's probably true for the country as a whole--is a weakness in the industry. Some sectors may be better than others, depending on how concentrated a particular sector is. But generally speaking there isn't much coordination. Our crab fishers in our province are not doing as well in terms of prices as they would be had we a more strategic and coordinated approach to markets. We've been working with our provincial government to try to resolve that.
The provincial government in Newfoundland offered to put roughly $5 million into a provincial marketing council, similar to entities that exist in places like Alaska, Norway, and other jurisdictions, to do generic promotions and develop strategies for marketing, and the Newfoundland processors turned it down, if you can believe that.
I think there is a need to have more of a strategy, to have a more coordinated effort in lobster, and generally in how we market our products. I don't think we have much of a strategy. I have to say it's totally disconcerting when you hear the chief executive officer of the single biggest lobster-selling company going to the public media talking about the lousy quality of our lobster. It's a bit like the president of General Motors saying on public television that the Impala is a bucket of bolts or something. But that happened as recently as yesterday, and for the life of me I can't understand what thought process gave rise to that particular utterance. I hope he doesn't let it happen again.