Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
With me today is my colleague from the Department of Fisheries and Ocean's science branch in Ottawa, Mr. David Gillis.
On behalf of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, we welcome the opportunity to speak about the science within the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, NAFO, and also the important role of Canadian fisheries science and scientists within that organization.
Within NAFO, science and scientific advice is produced by a constituent body called the Scientific Council. Based upon their advice, the NAFO Fisheries Commission adopts measures to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of the fishery resources in the NAFO convention area, which comprises both Canada's exclusive economic zone, the EEZ, and the NAFO regulatory area, the NRA, beyond Canada's 200-nautical-mile limit.
I'd like to start by providing the committee a brief overview of the Scientific Council, its function, and how it accomplishes its mandate. Within NAFO the Scientific Council is one body, which is equal in status to the other two bodies: the Fisheries Commission and the General Council.
The Scientific Council is responsible for a number of functions. They provide a forum for consultation and cooperation among the contracting parties—the member states of NAFO—to study and exchange scientific information and views on fishing activities and the ecosystems in which they occur. They study and appraise the current and future status of fishery resources, including environmental and ecological factors affecting them. They promote cooperation and scientific research among contracting parties to fill gaps in scientific knowledge. They compile and maintain statistics and records and publish or disseminate reports, information, and materials pertaining to the fishing activities in the NAFO convention area and their ecosystems. They provide scientific advice to the Fisheries Commission and coastal states as requested.
To address its mandate, the Scientific Council has established four standing committees.
Fishery Science, or STACFIS, is the committee that conducts the stock assessments that are the basis for the actual advice, which is then formulated by the Scientific Council.
Research Coordination, or STACREC, is the committee that provides a forum for the discussion of scientific research and studies in the NAFO area and compiles fisheries statistics.
Publications, or STACPUB, is the committee that oversees the publication of scientific information, including NAFO's Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science, a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on environmental, biological, economic, and social science aspects of living marine resources and ecosystems of the northwest Atlantic Ocean.
Fisheries Environment, or STACFEN, is the committee that provides reviews of environmental conditions and advises on the effects of the environment on fish stocks and fisheries in the convention area.
Each contracting party of NAFO is a member of the Scientific Council and may appoint representatives, who may be accompanied at any of its meetings by alternates, experts, and advisers. These scientists generally participate in all the work of the Scientific Council and of some or all of its standing committees.
As a general rule, the Scientific Council provides its advice by consensus. All reports provided by the Scientific Council are published by the NAFO secretariat and are made available on the NAFO website as soon as possible after the Scientific Council meetings are concluded.
In addition to its standing committees, the Scientific Council establishes working groups and study groups as necessary to deal with specific terms of reference. Such groups created recently include a working group on an ecosystem approach to fisheries management and a study group on management strategy evaluation for Greenland halibut. These groups draw on a wide range of invited expertise, including scientists, fisheries managers, and industry representatives, including as necessary participants from countries that are not contracting parties of NAFO.
The Scientific Council provides advice to the Fisheries Commission on 18 stocks of fish and invertebrate species. These include species such as cod, flounder, Greenland halibut or turbot, redfish, capelin, shrimp, and squid. Some of these stocks, such as those on the Flemish Cap, are located entirely outside the Canadian EEZ. Other stocks, such as those on the Grand Banks, which are found both inside and outside the Canadian EEZ, are called straddling.
In addition to those 18 stocks managed by the Fisheries Commission, the Scientific Council is also requested to provide advice to coastal states on certain stocks. For example, Canada and Greenland agreed to submit joint requests to Scientific Council for advice on the northern Greenland halibut stocks in the Davis Strait-Baffin Bay areas. The Scientific Council reports on the status of all the stocks for which it receives requests and provides responses to requests for the total allowable catch or management advice, usually over a range of options. Where possible, the Scientific Council tries to quantify, or at least provide information on, the risks to the stock for each of the specified TAC or management options.
In addition to TAC advice, the Scientific Council is often requested to provide advice on issues other than TAC, such as an evaluation of existing or proposed management measures--for example, mesh size used in some fisheries, potential closed areas or seasons, etc.
The Scientific Council usually meets three times per year, generally for one to two weeks each time. The council meets for two weeks each June in the NAFO headquarters region, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, to evaluate most of the stocks and respond to the various requests for advice. It also meets during the NAFO annual meeting each September, where it is often called upon to answer questions from the Fisheries Commission pertaining to its advice on the stocks. As well, the Scientific Council meets each October or November in conjunction with the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, known as ICES, to provide advice on shrimp stocks throughout the North Atlantic.
There has been much recent discussion about the amended NAFO convention. Although the amendments to the 1978 NAFO convention are not expected to significantly change the way the Scientific Council conducts its business, some of these amendments will clearly be important for the Scientific Council to consider in its work and in its provision of advice. Particularly noteworthy to the Scientific Council are the amendments that state that contracting parties shall adopt measures based on the best scientific advice available, apply the precautionary approach, take due account of the impact of fishing activities on other species and marine ecosystems and in doing so adopt measures to minimize harmful impact on living resources and marine ecosystems, and take due account of the need to preserve marine biological diversity.
During the NAFO process that led to the adoption of the amended convention, the Scientific Council was fully engaged throughout and provided its input into the sections of the amended convention relevant to the council's mandate and activities. In addition to the four points noted above, one important organizational consideration was the continued recognition of the Scientific Council as an equal constituent body within NAFO.
The existence of the NAFO Scientific Council as a scientific body within NAFO contrasts it with an adjacent international fisheries management organization, NEAFC, the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission. In NEAFC, the commission requests its scientific information from an external source, ICES; within NAFO, the existence of both scientific advisers, from the Scientific Council, and management, from the Fisheries Commission, allows extensive collaboration on issues such as implementing the precautionary approach and protection of such vulnerable marine ecosystems as those of coral and sponges.
In fact, joint committees involving members of the Scientific Council and the Fisheries Commission were instrumental in achieving substantial progress and implementation of key measures on both these issues. At the recent NAFO annual meeting, the ad hoc working group of fishery managers and scientists on vulnerable marine ecosystems produced several recommendations on closed areas for the protection of corals and sponges, which were then adopted by the Fisheries Commission.
The work of the NAFO Scientific Council is also important internationally in the field of fishery science. The council regularly holds symposia that draw experts from around the world and publishes these findings in editions of the NAFO journal. It also conducts various special sessions that focus on topics such as introduction of new stock assessment methods and tools to Scientific Council participants. It also works collaboratively with such organizations as ICES by forming joint working groups to examine wide-ranging species, such as shrimp and seals, and such issues as deep-sea ecology.
The chairs of the Scientific Council and its standing committees often represent NAFO in other international fora. It should be emphasized that the Scientific Council is not a research organization per se, so it does not conduct its own research projects, nor does it have the funding to allocate for such work. However, the relevant research that feeds the stock assessment process is carried out by the contracting parties of NAFO and brought to the Scientific Council for peer review. As noted earlier, the council does have a standing committee in which research projects can be discussed and coordinated among contracting parties.
Mr. Chairman, Canada takes its role in the Scientific Council very seriously. At any given time, Canada is likely to have two or more chairs within the Scientific Council. In fact, three of the past five chairs of the council have been Canadian scientists from the DFO science branch in Newfoundland and Labrador, and also chairs of the standing committees and well over half of the 18 stock assessment designated experts; these are the scientists responsible for taking the lead roles, conducting much of the analysis, synthesizing the available information, and presenting the individual stock assessments within the Scientific Council.
In support of its NAFO scientific commitment, Canada--DFO's science branch--conducts two major multi-species, ecosystem-based trawl surveys on the Grand Banks every year, in addition to substantial oceanographic research and other surveys aimed as species such as capelin. This work represents an ongoing science commitment in excess of $5 million per year, which has contributed to the building of invaluable biological and oceanographic databases for many stocks dating back to the early 1970s or before.
The results of these surveys provide vital information on abundance and distribution and biology that underpins the Scientific Council stock assessment process for many species and stocks. Without these surveys, which cover the areas of the Grand Banks inside and outside Canada's EEZ, many straddling stocks would have significantly less data for the Scientific Council to analyze.
Canada continues to invest heavily in ongoing and new scientific research on the NAFO stocks: $11 million over three years, 2006 to 2008, invested in new science projects under the international governance strategy umbrella to increase knowledge of offshore marine ecosystems and to enable sound management decisions concerning resources within these ecosystems. Much of this funding has come to researchers working on stocks on the Grand Banks for specific studies on Greenland halibut, skate, yellowtail flounder, redfish, capelin, and marine mammals.
Following the completion and success of this program in 2008, Canada renewed the funding for this program and it was made permanent. Canada now invests $4 million per year on an ongoing basis for science in support of international governance. This funding, combined with new funding for projects in 2009 and onward, has been directed at the study of corals and biodiversity, improving stock assessments, and precautionary harvesting strategies for Grand Banks cod and flatfish.
Canada is also engaged bilaterally with many NAFO countries on scientific issues, and it has recently signed a memorandum of understanding for scientific cooperation with Spain. Funding provided under this agreement has led to much new cooperative research in areas such as reproductive biology of Greenland halibut, annual multi-species surveys in divisions on the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap on a Spanish vessel, and joint participation in a large-scale, multi-year study directed at vulnerable marine ecosystems in the NAFO regulatory area on the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap. This work is realized through multi-million dollar collaborations.
It is important to note that Canada's investments are very generously leveraged by Spanish investments. All this research is, or will be, peer reviewed through the NAFO Scientific Council.
Mr. Chairman, in closing, we would like to acknowledge the vital role that the Scientific Council advice plays in the management of stocks under NAFO's mandate, and we are encouraged by recent advice from the council on the recovery of some stocks. Canadian scientists have a long history of taking lead roles in the work of the Scientific Council, and this is continuing today.
DFO remains firmly committed to conducting the best possible research on the NAFO stocks to ensure that the Scientific Council has the data necessary to provide its advice.
Thank you, and I apologize for going over my time, Mr. Chairman.