Canada does require permission at the moment of countries--contracting parties or any other flag state--to conduct scientific activities within its exclusive economic zone. The provisions within the revised convention supposedly, according to your minister, meet the test of necessity to allow NAFO to conduct scientific and ecosystem studies within Canada's exclusive economic zone, yet NAFO does not conduct any scientific activities at all; it's only contracting parties.
It seems like a bit of a contradiction. It seems to be a rather forceful instrument to allow something to occur that never occurs anyway, either inside or outside the exclusive economic zone of Canada.
I'll refine my question a little bit. What is currently stopping Canada from allowing scientific collaboration with other contracting parties--or any bilateral or multilateral relationship with other countries--to conduct scientific research inside 200 miles? Why do we need to have this written into the convention? Under the convention it allows for a lot more than just scientific and ecosystem research; it allows for specific management measures.
Can Canada invite Spain, for example, to sign the memorandum of understanding, as we have outside of 200 miles...? Could we do so for inside 200 miles right now? I think the answer is yes.