In the case of Greenland halibut, the Scientific Council provided catch options at two levels based on requests received. Under one of these catch options the stock showed an increasing trajectory. Under the other catch option the stock showed a stable catch trajectory. Both of these options were provided by the Scientific Council, with a recommendation to go with the lower catch option if the objective was to rebuild the biomass more quickly.
In the case of 3M cod, the council provided advice at four different catch levels ranging from zero to a relatively high level of fishing mortality. I think the range of catch options provided in that advice was from zero to 12,700, with a recommendation to go to just over 4,000 at the lower end of the range. The decision that was taken at the Fisheries Commission was for 5,500, which was at the low end of the range. Under all the options provided for 3M cod, the Scientific Council noted that an increase in biomass was projected at all those catch options, and they favoured the low end of the range for quite a number of reasons based on the rebuilding of the stock.