We currently have two objections alive and well at NAFO. One is by Iceland on 3M shrimp on the Flemish Cap, and that particular objection is to the management regime that's out there, the days on ground as opposed to a quota system. They've put in place a quota system that is arguably comparable to their days on ground.
That does not cause me great concern. It's a philosophical objection as much as anything else. Frankly, the Government of Canada and Canadian industry would agree with Iceland that we need to move forward to a total allowable catch and quota system for that stock, like all other stocks we have.
The other type of objection they have there is with Denmark for the Faroes and Greenland. They simply say they think their share should be more and better than it is, and until it gets better they'll set their own TAC unilaterally. There is no other recourse, no other process; there's nothing in the existing convention to change that.
That objection has been annualized and rolled over every year for many years now. It is very similar to the objection the EU used to have years ago on species and stocks like the Greenland halibut. There is no recourse currently. At least under the new convention, there is a timetable and process that may take some months, but at least within a year's cycle you can, in effect, bring that one to ground, if I understand the timetables properly.