First of all, I'd say I haven't been to a lot of harbours yet. To be honest, I was supposed to be in Newfoundland today to see some harbours. But the ones I've been to, it's really amazing to see the pride in the faces of the people who belong to the harbour authorities, and the harbour managers. They were very anxious to show me what they had and what was going to be happening, and they were really pleased. It did a lot for morale just to be able to say they had a project coming. To be very honest, I've seen that firsthand.
There are a number of other things. One of the things they complained about, which I think Micheline referred to, was the lack of staff. We have hired more staff—I think approximately 30—and I believe 25 of them are in the region, working with the harbour authorities and clients. We understand that's quite positive.
There are a number of things we've tried to do in providing better advice to them, harbour authority manuals, trying to pull people together to work on common issues like the derelict vessels issue. There has been the addition of money for grants and contributions. I think $500,000 has been added to that. I think $100,000 per region had been provided before that, if I haven't mixed that up.
So there are a number of things we have done that are being positively received. I will be meeting with them for the first time on the 24th to 26th of November, which will be my first opportunity to sit with representatives of them. So I may hear other things from them then, but that's the reaction I've personally seen.