The $500 million seems quite fair. You have to understand that this is a maximum amount needed to bring all of our infrastructures up to speed. Furthermore, our immediate needs cannot be overlooked. The $200 million would address our more immediate needs.
Earlier, we heard how nearly one third of facilities would benefit from the budget. However, even though $500 million seems like a big number, we recognize that this is more than what we need at this time to turn the situation around. This estimate is based on long-term requirements and fluctuates according to needs and the changing situation within the fishery.
We also cannot say exactly how many fences were erected over the past year. Obviously, fences are erected as a last resort. However, some have been put up, including one at Baie St. Georges. That said, rarely does the situation degenerate to the point of our having to erect a fence, because we must be diligent and assume our responsibilities. Generally speaking, fences are erected at ports that are not deemed essential. Consequently, they arouse fewer emotions. The fact remains, however, that load restrictions are applied and we realize that this doesn't help the situation either.