The thing about it is this. You have these top-notch, professional, dedicated people. I can assure you that Canadian scientists, the ones I've known for all these years, are dedicated people, dedicated to their jobs. Their contributions to advanced fisheries management are as important as the heart is to the human body.
I'm going to tell you, their experience three weeks ago in Bergen was enough to turn somebody upside down, when you get a bunch of scientists who work as hard as these people do, with very limited facilities and infrastructure and all the rest that goes with it, hardly enough technical people to count the otoliths, and this is a fact, and these people come up and make that contribution to the NAFO Scientific Council and it goes to Bergen, and then a hired hand, a hired lobbyist--I almost hate to say it--is allowed to come in and present to the NAFO body a report from an independent consultant, miles away from Canada even, presents this to the NAFO group in Bergen, and as a direct result of that, they throw out the recommendation of the Scientific Council and put in place a quota for cod on the Flemish Cap that I can guarantee will be used just as the turbot quota is used outside 200 miles, to allow foreign vessels out of Vigo, Aveiro, and other European places to come across the ocean, fish for a day on the Flemish Cap and then proceed to the Grand Banks. When the Canadian boarding parties go on board, they will find that it's all lumped together and no one can distinguish what was caught on the Flemish Cap and what was caught on the Grand Banks.
This is common practice, ladies and gentlemen. I'm telling you. That's why this kind of incursion by NAFO....
And look, the remote possibility that they could ever get back into our zone again, as they did in the past, has to go. You have to reject this. You have to get rid of it, because if not, you're going to see the end of the fishery on the east coast of Canada.