--and you understand what's going on, you might learn something. But to answer it and cut to the chase and save you some time, when we came up and got involved, we were in such a position that it was almost desperation. Nothing was happening. We had the foreign boats raping the stocks. We didn't have the surveillance, because our coast guard didn't have fuel. Citations were being issued that were like warning tickets. They had no effect. It was frustrating, so we threatened to do whatever we had to do.
In fact, when I became minister, the foreign affairs department got a number of calls asking who this guy was and what he was up to, because of some of the threats we had made. However, if you look at the policy statement that I helped write in 2004 in leading up to our election--and it may have gotten changed in transcript somewhere along the way--it said that we will commit to end foreign overfishing or take custodial management. There was an “or” in there.