I think in the Pacific region we are much the same as Newfoundland. There are harbour authorities that give donations to the municipality in lieu of taxes, but by and large most harbour authorities are exempt. Some municipalities insist on being paid taxes.
We're encouraged by the recent court case in Ontario, which has said that harbour authorities are exempt from taxes in that province, so I would assume that's going to be something we can look forward to. As Morris says, that should be blanket across the country. Quite frankly, our harbour authority would refuse to pay them anyway. We're a federal facility, so come and take it. What are you going to do?
If there's one clear message I think needs to be sent, it's the work these volunteers do managing these assets for the federal government. I think Stacy talked about it earlier. If you look at the value we've added to your asset base in the last ten years, it's phenomenal. It's probably not stressed enough. We talk about the volunteers, but we probably don't stress it enough, because we've spent so much time just talking about money. But that's one message I would send back.