I think that before we increase this amount, we need to make sure that the work will be done according to standards. A floating dock, for example, is a minor job, but in Quebec there are no floating docks. Our tides are quite high. This is also true in the Maritimes.
Personally, I wouldn't like to be given $200,000 to do something that I have no experience doing. Of course, in Quebec, construction standards also need to be considered. Some work cannot be done there, while it can be done in other regions. The $200,000 can always be given to someone with the skills required to do the work. The work will be very well done in that case. However, the same amount could be given to somebody who will do a much bigger project that won't last as long. The quality of the work will perhaps not be the same. I think it's important to make this distinction. You cannot give $200,000 to just anyone. The individual has to have the skills required and be able to ensure that quality work is done. That is important.