Perhaps I may speak to that.
I'm a president of a harbour authority where there are six harbours. We've merged together voluntarily. In some of those facilities we do accommodate recreational vessels, so it's not so much small craft harbours as small craft harbours facilities. We will request funding to rebuild the facilities or do what we can. Where possible, we would try to put some floating docks for recreational vessels on one side of the harbour, looking at the potential of revenue generation. There are some facilities where it's just not suitable to have a recreational component, but there are some where there is a willingness to do it.
Our harbour authority board of directors, for example, includes a representative of recreational boaters. We try to encourage it wherever possible. In the long term, I think there's potential for that, from one coast to the other, where possible, to increase revenues. Again, that's part of our lease. It's not only the commercial fishery—which is a priority, of course, to us—but it does also state public access. From a tourism potential, a recreational boating potential, wherever we can try to accommodate that, I think most harbour authorities have.