I would like to introduce the motion you have before you. It deals with the seal hunt, which will be starting very soon. I could have waited until Thursday so that we could have got to our witnesses more quickly, but chances are that this discussion will be very quick, I think, at least, I hope. I also hope that this motion is going to receive unanimous consent. It has two objectives. The first is to reiterate the message contained in our report on the seal hunt that we tabled in April 2007. It asks the government to take all necessary measures, one of which is to make representations to the European Parliament, particularly at this stage in the year, and to conduct an information campaign for the general public.
The second objective is the safety of the hunters. Just a few minutes ago, in fact, I met with a Liberal senator who has made it into the news recently by introducing a bill on the seal hunt. His name is Mac Harb. I tried to influence him and make him see the light; the attempt was unsuccessful, but, for all that, my discussion with Mr. Harb was very interesting. The second part of the motion before you asks the government to do everything in its power to ensure the safety of the seal hunters. As you know, of course, when the abolitionists come onto the ice, it is not just as observers. Unfortunately, they engage in a lot of provocation because they are looking for pictures showing an outraged hunter clubbing away with his hakapik, or simply losing his cool. It is important to introduce this motion in order to ensure their safety.
Thank you very much.